Pearson Longman

ESOL World News is sponsored by Pearson Longman. Pearson Longman is the premier publisher of innovative and best-selling ESL/EFL materials. Check out the catalogs, podcasts, articles, and the newest initiative–the Green campaign.
Pearson Longman publishes cutting-edge ESL/EFL textbooks and software.
Pearson Longman publishes cutting-edge ESL/EFL textbooks and software.
Longman English Interactive is an innovative online ESL/EFL course in listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Longman English Interactive is an innovative online ESL/EFL course in listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Focus on Grammar Interactive teaches grammar in the context of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This online course is a perfect grammar component to any English program.

Focus on Grammar Interactive teaches grammar in the context of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This online course is a perfect grammar component to any English program.

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